Helping others doesn't just feel good, it's what God calls us to do. From its inception, service and mission work has been an important part of our church. As a result, we continually search to find mission opportunities for all ages, capabilities, and interests. Aside from the numerous ways we reach out to our community, 10% of our annual budget is set aside to be used in service to others.
Here's a glimpse at some of the organizations and causes that we support throughout the year:
Round Rock Area Serving Center
The Round Rock Area Serving Center is a non-profit social service agency and food pantry that serves Round Rock, Hutto and Wells Branch. In addition to the food pantry and Coats for Kids, limited financial assistance is also provided for rent, utilities, gasoline, transportation, temporary lodging and prescriptions. A thrift store accepts donations with the proceeds going toward purchasing food for the pantry. Grace supports the RRASC through its budget, food and clothing drives, and Coats for Kids.
Learn more about the center at: www.rrasc.org

Hope Alliance
Hope Alliance is Williamson County's only resource center and emergency shelter for those affected by family and sexual violence.
Grace supports Hope Alliance through its budget, putting together welcome bags for new clients, collecting clothing items, and volunteering in the office.
Learn more about Hope Alliance at www.hopealliancetx.org
Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms.
1 Peter 4:10
Voigt Elementary School
We offer support to Voigt Elementary School with the G.I.V.E. program which stands for Grace Invests in Voigt Elementary.
Grace supports Voigt by working directly with students as mentors or literacy partners.We also adopt families for Christmas, provide special treats and gift cards for the staff.

Regarding Cancer
Through unique peer-to-peer matching program and oncology visitation program, volunteers are able to help survivors and their caregivers regain a sense of control, reduce feelings of isolation, and restore hope.
Grace supports Regarding Cancer through our budget, making blankets for those undergoing treatment, and volunteering at infusion centers.
Learn more about Regarding Cancer at www.regardingcancer.org
Manos de Cristo
Through a variety of programs and activities, Manos de Cristo, “Hands of Christ”, offers helping hands to those in need. Its Dental Clinic, Food Pantry, Clothes Closet, and education programs enable people to walk on the road toward self-sufficiency.
Grace supports Manos de Cristo through monetary donations, volunteers, and by selling tamales each Christmas.
Learn more about Manos de Cristo at manosdecristo.org

Other Mission Projects
Twice a year blood drive through We Are Blood
Be the Church Day when our regular worship is replaced by hands on projects.
Caring Place - Support with our budget, workdays, and can drives
Trinity Care Center - Make Christmas gifts for residents
Youth Street Ministry -Put together hygiene bags for homeless youth
Annual mission trip for youth
Collect fans for Round Rock residents in summer
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance - Put together Recovery Buckets and Hygiene Bags
Souper Bowl of Caring - Collect canned goods for hungry
Write letters to deployed military troops